Cold Applied Bitumen Primer for Bituminous Sheet Membranes
ECMAPRIME BITU is a single component, solvent based bituminous primer that seals pores in surfaces such as concrete and improves the adhesion of bituminous sheet membranes that are to be applied to the substrate. It is suitable for brush or spray application.
ECMAPRIME BITU is used as a primer on steel, masonry & concrete substrates to promote adhesion with cold applied, self-adhering Bitumen/ SBS waterproofing sheet membranes and torch applied bitumen waterproofing sheet membranes. It can also be used a primer for applying bituminous compounds at joints.
• Easy to apply by brush or Roller • Single Component easy to cold applied • Non-Toxic • Excellent bond to concrete • Economical • Excellent resistance to corrosive elements.