High Strength, Fast setting, Fiber- reinforced, Concrete Pavement/ Floor Bed Repair Mortar

ECMAREP PAVING is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry powders which requires only the site addition of clean water to produce a Pourable, non-shrink cement mortar suitable for rapid repairs of concrete industrial pavements or road beds. The material is based on Portland cements, graded aggregates and fillers, and additives which impart controlled expansion characteristics in the plastic state, while minimizing water demand. The low water requirement ensures high early strength and long-term durability.


• Gaseous expansion system compensates for shrinkage and settlement in the plastic state. • Easy Application • Highly fluid to allow for placement without vibration. • Good Adhesion to old concrete • Rapid strength gain to facilitate early reinstatement. • High ultimate strengths and low permeability of cured repair. • Contains no chloride admixture.


ECMAREP PAVING is recommended for repairing of Concrete floor beds, Concrete Roads and Concrete Parking Areas, etc. in 20 mm to 50 mm thickness.