ECMAPLAST CI 2000 is a liquid admixture for use in concrete and it is based on Calcium Nitrite. It chemically inhibits the corrosive action of chlorides
on reinforcing steel and prestressed strands in concrete. It also promotes strength development of the concrete.
ECMAPLAST CI 2000 is compatible with all types of Portland cements, concrete containing pozzolans. It is also compatible with whole range of ECMAS Admixture.
It is recommended for all steel-reinforced, post tensioned and prestressed concrete that will come in contact with chlorides and high early and ultimate strength concrete.
ECMAPLAST CI 2000 recommended addition rates range from 10 to 30lts/m3. The level of corrosion protection increases in proportion to the dosage. The project specification will indicate the addition rate. In the absence of a specified dosage, ECMAPLAST CI 2000 also increases the early strength of a concrete mixture and may have an accelerating action on setting time. These effects become more pronounced as the addition rate rises. Control of setting time can be achieved with retarding admixtures