Strengthen Enhancer

ECMAS EGA SV1 is a high performance cement additive, formulated for
enhancing qualities of cement strength specifically early age strength’s.
These are weekly basic aqueous solutions to be added during grinding of


ECMAS EGA SV1 is used in cement grinding for
• Increased grinding efficiency of the mill, reducing the residues and increment in cement Blaine.
• Increment in early strength 1 day and 3 days by 5-10% and, lateral strength 7 day and 28 day by 7-10%.
• Reduced initial and final setting time.
• Pack-set is reduced, dry fluidity into silos and trucks are improved.


When ECMAS EGA SV1 is added to cement, It accelerates the reaction rate of
cement hydration process, and thereby consequent strength increment
specifically early age strength’s is obtained.